
Did the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Age Well?

stdClass Object ( [id] => 1331 [asset_id] => 1477 [title] => Did the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Age Well? [alias] => did-the-mercedes-benz-slr-mclaren-age-well [introtext] => ::cck::1040::/cck::
It was 2003 and cars like the Audi R8, Ferrari 458, and Bugatti Veyron didn’t exist yet.

When it first came out, the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren was one of the most breathtaking cars on the market. It was 2003 and cars like the Audi R8, Ferrari 458, and Bugatti Veyron didn’t exist yet. The SLR was compared to cars like the Porsche Carrera GT and Ford GT and it was a difficult choice between them.

But since then, we’ve seen the cars above, along with the Porsche 918, McLaren P1 and 675LT, Aston Martin Vanquish and One-77, just to name a few. As more of these cars came out, the less I looked at the McLaren’s SLR and thought, “Yes, that’s something I really want,” and the more I thought, “Golly, that is gross and boring.”

Maybe it’s a sentimental sense of nostalgia tugging at my heart, or maybe it’s the never-ending torrent of retina-burning paint with carbon-fiber vents and wings on cars designed with shapes I can’t describe, but today, I look at the SLR and think, “Hey, that looks pretty good.” Now I’m sitting here thinking maybe the SLR McLaren has aged well after all.

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Jeff Knoespel
It was 2003 and cars like the Audi R8, Ferrari 458, and Bugatti Veyron didn’t exist yet.

When it first came out, the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren was one of the most breathtaking cars on the market. It was 2003 and cars like the Audi R8, Ferrari 458, and Bugatti Veyron didn’t exist yet. The SLR was compared to cars like the Porsche Carrera GT and Ford GT and it was a difficult choice between them.

But since then, we’ve seen the cars above, along with the Porsche 918, McLaren P1 and 675LT, Aston Martin Vanquish and One-77, just to name a few. As more of these cars came out, the less I looked at the McLaren’s SLR and thought, “Yes, that’s something I really want,” and the more I thought, “Golly, that is gross and boring.”

Maybe it’s a sentimental sense of nostalgia tugging at my heart, or maybe it’s the never-ending torrent of retina-burning paint with carbon-fiber vents and wings on cars designed with shapes I can’t describe, but today, I look at the SLR and think, “Hey, that looks pretty good.” Now I’m sitting here thinking maybe the SLR McLaren has aged well after all.

german 00s british Mercedes SLR McLaren

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Mercedes SLR McLaren

It’s starting to look better and better

Jeff Knoespel
It was 2003 and cars like the Audi R8, Ferrari 458, and Bugatti Veyron didn’t exist yet.

When it first came out, the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren was one of the most breathtaking cars on the market. It was 2003 and cars like the Audi R8, Ferrari 458, and Bugatti Veyron didn’t exist yet. The SLR was compared to cars like the Porsche Carrera GT and Ford GT and it was a difficult choice between them.

But since then, we’ve seen the cars above, along with the Porsche 918, McLaren P1 and 675LT, Aston Martin Vanquish and One-77, just to name a few. As more of these cars came out, the less I looked at the McLaren’s SLR and thought, “Yes, that’s something I really want,” and the more I thought, “Golly, that is gross and boring.”

Maybe it’s a sentimental sense of nostalgia tugging at my heart, or maybe it’s the never-ending torrent of retina-burning paint with carbon-fiber vents and wings on cars designed with shapes I can’t describe, but today, I look at the SLR and think, “Hey, that looks pretty good.” Now I’m sitting here thinking maybe the SLR McLaren has aged well after all.

german 00s british Mercedes SLR McLaren