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[title] => BMW Films Return with ‘The Escape’
[alias] => bmw-films-return-with-the-escape
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Between 2001 and 2002, BMW released eight films called “The Hire” starring Clive Owen and other stars, which were essentially 10 minute car commercials, with action plots centered on car chases and BMWs. For enthusiasts, the original BMW Films represent what driving should always be about: excitement.
Now BMW is releasing a new series of films starting with “The Escape.” It again stars Clive Owen (returning to arguably his most successful role) along with Dakota Fanning and Jon Bernthal. Owen’s character is a hired driver tasked with transporting a valuable and controversial clone named Lily (Fanning) under guard by a mercenary named Holt (Bernthal) to escape the FBI. Owen’s tool of choice is the new generation BMW 5 Series which plays a critical role in the escape.
The Driver makes an ethical decision and faces off with Holt (whom I still can’t trust after The Walking Dead) in an incredible (and presumably expensive) high production action sequence.
The film shows us just how much BMW has changed in 15 years. The original films starred mechanical BMWs showing off performance prowess under The Driver’s skilled hands, and for the most part it all seemed believable. But in the new 5 Series, a new excercise of technology and luxury, some of the car’s stunts are obviously unrealistic and impractical. I don’t doubt the new films will still have a positive effect in BMW showrooms.
Let’s hope BMW makes a few more films, perhaps starring the new Z5? We’d love to see what Clive Owen could do with that.
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[metadesc] => Between 2001 and 2002, BMW released eight films called “The Hire” starring Clive Owen and other stars, which were essentially 10 minute car commercials, with action plots centered on car chases and BMWs. Now BMW is releasing a new film called “The Escape.”
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Between 2001 and 2002, BMW released eight films called “The Hire” starring Clive Owen and other stars, which were essentially 10 minute car commercials, with action plots centered on car chases and BMWs. For enthusiasts, the original BMW Films represent what driving should always be about: excitement.
Now BMW is releasing a new series of films starting with “The Escape.” It again stars Clive Owen (returning to arguably his most successful role) along with Dakota Fanning and Jon Bernthal. Owen’s character is a hired driver tasked with transporting a valuable and controversial clone named Lily (Fanning) under guard by a mercenary named Holt (Bernthal) to escape the FBI. Owen’s tool of choice is the new generation BMW 5 Series which plays a critical role in the escape.
The Driver makes an ethical decision and faces off with Holt (whom I still can’t trust after The Walking Dead) in an incredible (and presumably expensive) high production action sequence.
The film shows us just how much BMW has changed in 15 years. The original films starred mechanical BMWs showing off performance prowess under The Driver’s skilled hands, and for the most part it all seemed believable. But in the new 5 Series, a new excercise of technology and luxury, some of the car’s stunts are obviously unrealistic and impractical. I don’t doubt the new films will still have a positive effect in BMW showrooms.
Let’s hope BMW makes a few more films, perhaps starring the new Z5? We’d love to see what Clive Owen could do with that.
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Watch BMW’s excellent 15 minute car commercial
Between 2001 and 2002, BMW released eight films called “The Hire” starring Clive Owen and other stars, which were essentially 10 minute car commercials, with action plots centered on car chases and BMWs. For enthusiasts, the original BMW Films represent what driving should always be about: excitement.
Now BMW is releasing a new series of films starting with “The Escape.” It again stars Clive Owen (returning to arguably his most successful role) along with Dakota Fanning and Jon Bernthal. Owen’s character is a hired driver tasked with transporting a valuable and controversial clone named Lily (Fanning) under guard by a mercenary named Holt (Bernthal) to escape the FBI. Owen’s tool of choice is the new generation BMW 5 Series which plays a critical role in the escape.
The Driver makes an ethical decision and faces off with Holt (whom I still can’t trust after The Walking Dead) in an incredible (and presumably expensive) high production action sequence.
The film shows us just how much BMW has changed in 15 years. The original films starred mechanical BMWs showing off performance prowess under The Driver’s skilled hands, and for the most part it all seemed believable. But in the new 5 Series, a new excercise of technology and luxury, some of the car’s stunts are obviously unrealistic and impractical. I don’t doubt the new films will still have a positive effect in BMW showrooms.
Let’s hope BMW makes a few more films, perhaps starring the new Z5? We’d love to see what Clive Owen could do with that.