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[title] => The 1993 Porsche 911 RS America was the Cheapest 911 of Its Day
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[introtext] => ::cck::1117::/cck::
You want a stripped out, track ready Porsche 911. You go to the dealer and tell them to leave the radio, rear seats, and other basic on the factory shelves to save weight. Today, they’ll hand you the keys to the 911 GT3 RS, which is essentially the 911 Cup car for the road. What will it cost you? Base MSRP for a 2016 GT3 RS is $175,900, which is nearly $100,000 more than the regular 911 Carrera. Porsche, the king of added options, will make more money off of you for having fewer options.
Back in 1993, Porsche was still making a race car for the road.
Back in 1993, Porsche was still making a race car for the road. The RS America originated from a car that was meant for a special racing series in the US, but the series fell through. So Porsche sold the RS America inspired by that series.
But what did the RS America cost in 1993? The equivalent of $175,000 in 2016 is about $105,000 in 1993 money. But no, we found out from this old MotorWeek review that Porsche sold the 911 RS America at nearly half that price: $54,800. That’s about $91,000 in today’s money.
Today, you can pick up a nearly 25-year-old 911 RS America for somewhere in the area of $140,000. We live in an era of hyper-inflated 911 prices, but even that price seems reasonable for how special the RS America is.
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You want a stripped out, track ready Porsche 911. You go to the dealer and tell them to leave the radio, rear seats, and other basic on the factory shelves to save weight. Today, they’ll hand you the keys to the 911 GT3 RS, which is essentially the 911 Cup car for the road. What will it cost you? Base MSRP for a 2016 GT3 RS is $175,900, which is nearly $100,000 more than the regular 911 Carrera. Porsche, the king of added options, will make more money off of you for having fewer options.
Back in 1993, Porsche was still making a race car for the road.
Back in 1993, Porsche was still making a race car for the road. The RS America originated from a car that was meant for a special racing series in the US, but the series fell through. So Porsche sold the RS America inspired by that series.
But what did the RS America cost in 1993? The equivalent of $175,000 in 2016 is about $105,000 in 1993 money. But no, we found out from this old MotorWeek review that Porsche sold the 911 RS America at nearly half that price: $54,800. That’s about $91,000 in today’s money.
Today, you can pick up a nearly 25-year-old 911 RS America for somewhere in the area of $140,000. We live in an era of hyper-inflated 911 prices, but even that price seems reasonable for how special the RS America is.
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Back when Porsche didn’t charge more for less
You want a stripped out, track ready Porsche 911. You go to the dealer and tell them to leave the radio, rear seats, and other basic on the factory shelves to save weight. Today, they’ll hand you the keys to the 911 GT3 RS, which is essentially the 911 Cup car for the road. What will it cost you? Base MSRP for a 2016 GT3 RS is $175,900, which is nearly $100,000 more than the regular 911 Carrera. Porsche, the king of added options, will make more money off of you for having fewer options.
Back in 1993, Porsche was still making a race car for the road.
Back in 1993, Porsche was still making a race car for the road. The RS America originated from a car that was meant for a special racing series in the US, but the series fell through. So Porsche sold the RS America inspired by that series.
But what did the RS America cost in 1993? The equivalent of $175,000 in 2016 is about $105,000 in 1993 money. But no, we found out from this old MotorWeek review that Porsche sold the 911 RS America at nearly half that price: $54,800. That’s about $91,000 in today’s money.
Today, you can pick up a nearly 25-year-old 911 RS America for somewhere in the area of $140,000. We live in an era of hyper-inflated 911 prices, but even that price seems reasonable for how special the RS America is.