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[title] => The Porsche Cayman Conspiracy is No Longer a Conspiracy
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Conspiracy theorists push nearly unbelievable ideas. The moon landing was a fake, filmed on a Hollywood movie set; Hillary Clinton is a humanoid reptilian bent on world domination; and Porsche nerfs the Cayman’s performance because it doesn’t want to expose that the 911’s rear engine placement is a huge mistake.
The thing with conspiracy theories is that they are always nearly untestable and unprovable, with little evidence to back them up. If Elon Musk makes a pitstop at the moon on his way to Mars or if Hillary molts her fleshy disguise during her presidential inauguration, we may get answers to those first two theories, but those are unlikely scenarios.
Luckily, after years of debate among Porschephiles, the automaker finally allowed the nerfed Cayman theory to be tested. It introduced the Cayman GT4, a hot take on the mid-engine car with the Carrera S’s 3.8-liter flat-6 as well as brakes and suspension bits from the GT3. Does that sound like a recipe for success? That’s because it is.
Motor Trend recently got its hands on a Cayman GT4, and the evidence is pretty damning. The GT4 is an incredible performance car, but instead of keeping the focus on irrelevant numbers, it’s focused on an incredible experience. That experience, combined with still shockingly good performance figures, proves the conspiracy theorists are correct.
It’s time to admit the truth: the Porsche Cayman is indeed a better car than the Porsche 911. Given an equal engine and equal parts, the Cayman’s mid-engine layout outperforms the rear-engine 911. The balance and handling, along with the engine and manual transmission of the GT4, make the all-around best sports car that Porsche makes right now. It was inevitable that this conspiracy was going to be proven.
Porsche doesn't want to let the public at large know that the true enthusiast’s car is actually the cheapest sports car they now make. Granted, every Cayman is not a GT4, but every Cayman has a superior chassis layout over the 911. If you’re an enthusiast, a true Porschephile, it is the better car to have. The debate has been settled. The conspiracy is true.
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Conspiracy theorists push nearly unbelievable ideas. The moon landing was a fake, filmed on a Hollywood movie set; Hillary Clinton is a humanoid reptilian bent on world domination; and Porsche nerfs the Cayman’s performance because it doesn’t want to expose that the 911’s rear engine placement is a huge mistake.
The thing with conspiracy theories is that they are always nearly untestable and unprovable, with little evidence to back them up. If Elon Musk makes a pitstop at the moon on his way to Mars or if Hillary molts her fleshy disguise during her presidential inauguration, we may get answers to those first two theories, but those are unlikely scenarios.
Luckily, after years of debate among Porschephiles, the automaker finally allowed the nerfed Cayman theory to be tested. It introduced the Cayman GT4, a hot take on the mid-engine car with the Carrera S’s 3.8-liter flat-6 as well as brakes and suspension bits from the GT3. Does that sound like a recipe for success? That’s because it is.
Motor Trend recently got its hands on a Cayman GT4, and the evidence is pretty damning. The GT4 is an incredible performance car, but instead of keeping the focus on irrelevant numbers, it’s focused on an incredible experience. That experience, combined with still shockingly good performance figures, proves the conspiracy theorists are correct.
It’s time to admit the truth: the Porsche Cayman is indeed a better car than the Porsche 911. Given an equal engine and equal parts, the Cayman’s mid-engine layout outperforms the rear-engine 911. The balance and handling, along with the engine and manual transmission of the GT4, make the all-around best sports car that Porsche makes right now. It was inevitable that this conspiracy was going to be proven.
Porsche doesn't want to let the public at large know that the true enthusiast’s car is actually the cheapest sports car they now make. Granted, every Cayman is not a GT4, but every Cayman has a superior chassis layout over the 911. If you’re an enthusiast, a true Porschephile, it is the better car to have. The debate has been settled. The conspiracy is true.
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The 911’s baby brother bites back
Conspiracy theorists push nearly unbelievable ideas. The moon landing was a fake, filmed on a Hollywood movie set; Hillary Clinton is a humanoid reptilian bent on world domination; and Porsche nerfs the Cayman’s performance because it doesn’t want to expose that the 911’s rear engine placement is a huge mistake.
The thing with conspiracy theories is that they are always nearly untestable and unprovable, with little evidence to back them up. If Elon Musk makes a pitstop at the moon on his way to Mars or if Hillary molts her fleshy disguise during her presidential inauguration, we may get answers to those first two theories, but those are unlikely scenarios.
Luckily, after years of debate among Porschephiles, the automaker finally allowed the nerfed Cayman theory to be tested. It introduced the Cayman GT4, a hot take on the mid-engine car with the Carrera S’s 3.8-liter flat-6 as well as brakes and suspension bits from the GT3. Does that sound like a recipe for success? That’s because it is.
Motor Trend recently got its hands on a Cayman GT4, and the evidence is pretty damning. The GT4 is an incredible performance car, but instead of keeping the focus on irrelevant numbers, it’s focused on an incredible experience. That experience, combined with still shockingly good performance figures, proves the conspiracy theorists are correct.
It’s time to admit the truth: the Porsche Cayman is indeed a better car than the Porsche 911. Given an equal engine and equal parts, the Cayman’s mid-engine layout outperforms the rear-engine 911. The balance and handling, along with the engine and manual transmission of the GT4, make the all-around best sports car that Porsche makes right now. It was inevitable that this conspiracy was going to be proven.
Porsche doesn't want to let the public at large know that the true enthusiast’s car is actually the cheapest sports car they now make. Granted, every Cayman is not a GT4, but every Cayman has a superior chassis layout over the 911. If you’re an enthusiast, a true Porschephile, it is the better car to have. The debate has been settled. The conspiracy is true.