
MotorWeek Reviews the Refreshed, Turbocharged Porsche 991 Carrera

stdClass Object ( [id] => 1339 [asset_id] => 1496 [title] => MotorWeek Reviews the Refreshed, Turbocharged Porsche 991 Carrera [alias] => motorweek-reviews-the-refreshed-turbocharged-porsche-991-carrera [introtext] => ::cck::1051::/cck::
Sometimes we need some familiarity. We need solid ground to stand on. Thank goodness for MotorWeek. It’s been exactly the same for 35 years.

We live in a world that is changing faster than the time it takes to swipe left on Tinder. New emojis come out all the time, Internet videos go viral and are forgotten in less than a few days, and nobody has the time to keep up with the latest Netflix Original. Sometimes we need some familiarity. We need solid ground to stand on. Thank goodness for MotorWeek. It’s been exactly the same for 35 years.

The longest running automotive series recently took the refreshed and newly-turbocharged Porsche 911 991 Carrera out for a spin. If it weren’t for the brand new, highly technical Porsche in the video, viewers probably wouldn’t realize that they were watching a new MotorWeek episode. John Davis is a staple of objective automotive reviews. His instantly recognizable voice is as important to the magic of MotorWeek as Garrison Keillor’s is to A Prairie Home Companion. After 35 years, MotorWeek has got the process of reviewing a car down to a science. 

However, though MotorWeek hasn’t changed through the years, the Porsche 911 has. For most of its life, it was left just as unchanged as MotorWeek, but this newest 911 iteration has fuel-conscious turbos strapped to the base model. Never before has the Porsche Turbo moniker been tainted like this, but it is to be expected in the fast-paced, efficient world of today. Let’s see if unchanging MotorWeek still approves of this 911.

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Jeff Knoespel
Sometimes we need some familiarity. We need solid ground to stand on. Thank goodness for MotorWeek. It’s been exactly the same for 35 years.

We live in a world that is changing faster than the time it takes to swipe left on Tinder. New emojis come out all the time, Internet videos go viral and are forgotten in less than a few days, and nobody has the time to keep up with the latest Netflix Original. Sometimes we need some familiarity. We need solid ground to stand on. Thank goodness for MotorWeek. It’s been exactly the same for 35 years.

The longest running automotive series recently took the refreshed and newly-turbocharged Porsche 911 991 Carrera out for a spin. If it weren’t for the brand new, highly technical Porsche in the video, viewers probably wouldn’t realize that they were watching a new MotorWeek episode. John Davis is a staple of objective automotive reviews. His instantly recognizable voice is as important to the magic of MotorWeek as Garrison Keillor’s is to A Prairie Home Companion. After 35 years, MotorWeek has got the process of reviewing a car down to a science. 

However, though MotorWeek hasn’t changed through the years, the Porsche 911 has. For most of its life, it was left just as unchanged as MotorWeek, but this newest 911 iteration has fuel-conscious turbos strapped to the base model. Never before has the Porsche Turbo moniker been tainted like this, but it is to be expected in the fast-paced, efficient world of today. Let’s see if unchanging MotorWeek still approves of this 911.

coupe german Porsche 911 Turbo 10s 991 2017

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MotorWeek 991

The longest running automotive series is exactly the same, though the 911 isn’t

Jeff Knoespel
Sometimes we need some familiarity. We need solid ground to stand on. Thank goodness for MotorWeek. It’s been exactly the same for 35 years.

We live in a world that is changing faster than the time it takes to swipe left on Tinder. New emojis come out all the time, Internet videos go viral and are forgotten in less than a few days, and nobody has the time to keep up with the latest Netflix Original. Sometimes we need some familiarity. We need solid ground to stand on. Thank goodness for MotorWeek. It’s been exactly the same for 35 years.

The longest running automotive series recently took the refreshed and newly-turbocharged Porsche 911 991 Carrera out for a spin. If it weren’t for the brand new, highly technical Porsche in the video, viewers probably wouldn’t realize that they were watching a new MotorWeek episode. John Davis is a staple of objective automotive reviews. His instantly recognizable voice is as important to the magic of MotorWeek as Garrison Keillor’s is to A Prairie Home Companion. After 35 years, MotorWeek has got the process of reviewing a car down to a science. 

However, though MotorWeek hasn’t changed through the years, the Porsche 911 has. For most of its life, it was left just as unchanged as MotorWeek, but this newest 911 iteration has fuel-conscious turbos strapped to the base model. Never before has the Porsche Turbo moniker been tainted like this, but it is to be expected in the fast-paced, efficient world of today. Let’s see if unchanging MotorWeek still approves of this 911.

coupe german Porsche 911 Turbo 10s 991 2017