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Most people think modern MINIs are too small for the road, and the truth is they are. Modern society loves the full-size and crossover SUVs. A MINI easily disappears in blindspots. But, when a modern one is sized up to its classic grandfather, it looks nothing but chunky.
Needless to say, if driving a modern MINI is uncomfortable, driving a classic one is unthinkable. There are too many Beckys driving Yukon Denalis sipping macchiatos while snapchatting their sorority. A classic Mini is simply a death sentence.
Still, this is the vehicle that forever synced the term “go-kart handling” to the brand. It has to be worth driving, even if driving it is risking death.
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Most people think modern MINIs are too small for the road, and the truth is they are. Modern society loves the full-size and crossover SUVs. A MINI easily disappears in blindspots. But, when a modern one is sized up to its classic grandfather, it looks nothing but chunky.
Needless to say, if driving a modern MINI is uncomfortable, driving a classic one is unthinkable. There are too many Beckys driving Yukon Denalis sipping macchiatos while snapchatting their sorority. A classic Mini is simply a death sentence.
Still, this is the vehicle that forever synced the term “go-kart handling” to the brand. It has to be worth driving, even if driving it is risking death.
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It’s as scary as you think
Most people think modern MINIs are too small for the road, and the truth is they are. Modern society loves the full-size and crossover SUVs. A MINI easily disappears in blindspots. But, when a modern one is sized up to its classic grandfather, it looks nothing but chunky.
Needless to say, if driving a modern MINI is uncomfortable, driving a classic one is unthinkable. There are too many Beckys driving Yukon Denalis sipping macchiatos while snapchatting their sorority. A classic Mini is simply a death sentence.
Still, this is the vehicle that forever synced the term “go-kart handling” to the brand. It has to be worth driving, even if driving it is risking death.