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[title] => A Cheap 996 is Still a Good Deal
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The Porsche 911 is the best example of skyrocketing classic car prices. Porsche 911s that were once as low as $14,000 are now scratching $40,000. Ones that were once $40k are racing towards $200,000 at least.
Which is strange because the Porsche 911 is one of the most popular sports cars of all time, they made quite a few of them, and they’re reliable enough that most are still on the road. They should still be inexpensive. What do you do if you want a 911 without asking for your salary in Deutche Marks?
The next-gen sports car suffered from frequent electrical and IMS bearing issues, so current prices are well below other 911s
Thank goodness Porsche made the 996, the first complete overhaul of the original 911 more than 30 years after it first introduced the model. The next-gen sports car suffered from frequent electrical and IMS bearing issues, so current prices are well below other 911s. But service shops are getting better at fixing these issues for less money. So that means you can have a well-sorted 911 for well under $15,000, and sometimes under $10,000! Here’s proof of that fact from Matt Farah, aka The Smoking Tire.
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The Porsche 911 is the best example of skyrocketing classic car prices. Porsche 911s that were once as low as $14,000 are now scratching $40,000. Ones that were once $40k are racing towards $200,000 at least.
Which is strange because the Porsche 911 is one of the most popular sports cars of all time, they made quite a few of them, and they’re reliable enough that most are still on the road. They should still be inexpensive. What do you do if you want a 911 without asking for your salary in Deutche Marks?
The next-gen sports car suffered from frequent electrical and IMS bearing issues, so current prices are well below other 911s
Thank goodness Porsche made the 996, the first complete overhaul of the original 911 more than 30 years after it first introduced the model. The next-gen sports car suffered from frequent electrical and IMS bearing issues, so current prices are well below other 911s. But service shops are getting better at fixing these issues for less money. So that means you can have a well-sorted 911 for well under $15,000, and sometimes under $10,000! Here’s proof of that fact from Matt Farah, aka The Smoking Tire.
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Under $10k for a 911? What are you waiting for?
The Porsche 911 is the best example of skyrocketing classic car prices. Porsche 911s that were once as low as $14,000 are now scratching $40,000. Ones that were once $40k are racing towards $200,000 at least.
Which is strange because the Porsche 911 is one of the most popular sports cars of all time, they made quite a few of them, and they’re reliable enough that most are still on the road. They should still be inexpensive. What do you do if you want a 911 without asking for your salary in Deutche Marks?
The next-gen sports car suffered from frequent electrical and IMS bearing issues, so current prices are well below other 911s
Thank goodness Porsche made the 996, the first complete overhaul of the original 911 more than 30 years after it first introduced the model. The next-gen sports car suffered from frequent electrical and IMS bearing issues, so current prices are well below other 911s. But service shops are getting better at fixing these issues for less money. So that means you can have a well-sorted 911 for well under $15,000, and sometimes under $10,000! Here’s proof of that fact from Matt Farah, aka The Smoking Tire.