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Journalists are getting their first look at the new limited-edition Porsche 911R, a 991 GT3 with no aero and a 7-speed manual gearbox made to appease Porsche ‘purists.’
But for a car set up specifically to be an engaging drive on winding mountain roads, it’s sometimes easy to neglect the fact that the 911R is capable of 200 mph. EVO decided to find out what 200 mph in the 911R is like on the German autobahn.
From the video it seems, well… easy. Maybe it’s partly because American propaganda has taught me that “speed kills,” but the 911R seems like an relaxing cruise at 200 mph. The vehicle appears smooth and controlled. Except for one camper that pulls out to pass a few trucks, EVO’s 200 mph blast is as unremarkable as an average commute to work. Nice job, Porsche.
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Journalists are getting their first look at the new limited-edition Porsche 911R, a 991 GT3 with no aero and a 7-speed manual gearbox made to appease Porsche ‘purists.’
But for a car set up specifically to be an engaging drive on winding mountain roads, it’s sometimes easy to neglect the fact that the 911R is capable of 200 mph. EVO decided to find out what 200 mph in the 911R is like on the German autobahn.
From the video it seems, well… easy. Maybe it’s partly because American propaganda has taught me that “speed kills,” but the 911R seems like an relaxing cruise at 200 mph. The vehicle appears smooth and controlled. Except for one camper that pulls out to pass a few trucks, EVO’s 200 mph blast is as unremarkable as an average commute to work. Nice job, Porsche.
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It's casual for ze Germans
Journalists are getting their first look at the new limited-edition Porsche 911R, a 991 GT3 with no aero and a 7-speed manual gearbox made to appease Porsche ‘purists.’
But for a car set up specifically to be an engaging drive on winding mountain roads, it’s sometimes easy to neglect the fact that the 911R is capable of 200 mph. EVO decided to find out what 200 mph in the 911R is like on the German autobahn.
From the video it seems, well… easy. Maybe it’s partly because American propaganda has taught me that “speed kills,” but the 911R seems like an relaxing cruise at 200 mph. The vehicle appears smooth and controlled. Except for one camper that pulls out to pass a few trucks, EVO’s 200 mph blast is as unremarkable as an average commute to work. Nice job, Porsche.