
1991 Jeremy Clarkson Tests a Herd of Raging Bulls

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In 1990 the Countach passed the torch of supercar lunacy to the Diablo. Top Gear thought the best way to cover this occasion was to revisit all the mid-ship V12 Lamborghini's of the past. 

Their goal was to show the progression of design and technology. What they actually did was show how much prettier and better the Miura is compared to it's scissor doored offspring. Not to say the Countach and Diablo aren't great designs or period correct, but in retrospect it is a curious turn to go from the classy, curvy Miura to ostentatious, outrageous Countach.  The Countach to Diablo wasn't nearly the evolutionary jump and I think the Diablo sits in Lamborghini's history now like Cars 2 in Pixar's. Just a slightly disappointing book in an otherwise amazing series.

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Chris Eastman

In 1990 the Countach passed the torch of supercar lunacy to the Diablo. Top Gear thought the best way to cover this occasion was to revisit all the mid-ship V12 Lamborghini's of the past. 

Their goal was to show the progression of design and technology. What they actually did was show how much prettier and better the Miura is compared to it's scissor doored offspring. Not to say the Countach and Diablo aren't great designs or period correct, but in retrospect it is a curious turn to go from the classy, curvy Miura to ostentatious, outrageous Countach.  The Countach to Diablo wasn't nearly the evolutionary jump and I think the Diablo sits in Lamborghini's history now like Cars 2 in Pixar's. Just a slightly disappointing book in an otherwise amazing series.

Video Top Gear Countach Lamorghini Diablo Miura

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Clarkson Plays Around as a Time Hopping Matador

Chris Eastman

In 1990 the Countach passed the torch of supercar lunacy to the Diablo. Top Gear thought the best way to cover this occasion was to revisit all the mid-ship V12 Lamborghini's of the past. 

Their goal was to show the progression of design and technology. What they actually did was show how much prettier and better the Miura is compared to it's scissor doored offspring. Not to say the Countach and Diablo aren't great designs or period correct, but in retrospect it is a curious turn to go from the classy, curvy Miura to ostentatious, outrageous Countach.  The Countach to Diablo wasn't nearly the evolutionary jump and I think the Diablo sits in Lamborghini's history now like Cars 2 in Pixar's. Just a slightly disappointing book in an otherwise amazing series.

Video Top Gear Countach Lamorghini Diablo Miura