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[title] => I Think RWB is Just Great
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Last week Chris shared his opinion on Japanese Porsche tuner, RWB, or RAUH WELT Begriff. In it he talked about how RWB has gone too far with the cartoonization of an icon. He loves the philosophy, but doesn’t like the degree to which it was executed.
Let me explain to you why Chris’s opinion isn’t just wrong, but also why his opinion of RWB doesn’t matter. I stumbled upon this video from eGarage nearly four years ago. It’s a documentary short on RWB, and it’s one of my favorite car videos of all time. It exemplifies why we all love cars, and how we love cars differently.
“Everyone has their own opinions. If 100 or 200 people on the internet say my work is good then it’s good,” Akira Nakai-San, mastermind behind RWB says. “But even if only 1 out of those 200 were to say good things about my work then that’s fine as well… Even if people say they don’t like my work, it still makes me happy. The fact that my car caught their attention makes me happy.”
What I love about RWB is that they do their own thing. Nakai-San is independent of people’s opinion of him. It doesn’t affect him. He does what he loves, and loves what he does.
At least Chris has enough sense to realize that it is a good thing these cars exist. It doesn’t matter that they’re modifying a 911, an icon. The passion RWB inspires would make their cars beautiful whether they worked on Porsches or Toyotas.
“There is no such thing as an ugly car,” says Nakai-San. “Variety in taste is a good thing for the world.”
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Last week Chris shared his opinion on Japanese Porsche tuner, RWB, or RAUH WELT Begriff. In it he talked about how RWB has gone too far with the cartoonization of an icon. He loves the philosophy, but doesn’t like the degree to which it was executed.
Let me explain to you why Chris’s opinion isn’t just wrong, but also why his opinion of RWB doesn’t matter. I stumbled upon this video from eGarage nearly four years ago. It’s a documentary short on RWB, and it’s one of my favorite car videos of all time. It exemplifies why we all love cars, and how we love cars differently.
“Everyone has their own opinions. If 100 or 200 people on the internet say my work is good then it’s good,” Akira Nakai-San, mastermind behind RWB says. “But even if only 1 out of those 200 were to say good things about my work then that’s fine as well… Even if people say they don’t like my work, it still makes me happy. The fact that my car caught their attention makes me happy.”
What I love about RWB is that they do their own thing. Nakai-San is independent of people’s opinion of him. It doesn’t affect him. He does what he loves, and loves what he does.
At least Chris has enough sense to realize that it is a good thing these cars exist. It doesn’t matter that they’re modifying a 911, an icon. The passion RWB inspires would make their cars beautiful whether they worked on Porsches or Toyotas.
“There is no such thing as an ugly car,” says Nakai-San. “Variety in taste is a good thing for the world.”
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Shun the Unbelievers
Last week Chris shared his opinion on Japanese Porsche tuner, RWB, or RAUH WELT Begriff. In it he talked about how RWB has gone too far with the cartoonization of an icon. He loves the philosophy, but doesn’t like the degree to which it was executed.
Let me explain to you why Chris’s opinion isn’t just wrong, but also why his opinion of RWB doesn’t matter. I stumbled upon this video from eGarage nearly four years ago. It’s a documentary short on RWB, and it’s one of my favorite car videos of all time. It exemplifies why we all love cars, and how we love cars differently.
“Everyone has their own opinions. If 100 or 200 people on the internet say my work is good then it’s good,” Akira Nakai-San, mastermind behind RWB says. “But even if only 1 out of those 200 were to say good things about my work then that’s fine as well… Even if people say they don’t like my work, it still makes me happy. The fact that my car caught their attention makes me happy.”
What I love about RWB is that they do their own thing. Nakai-San is independent of people’s opinion of him. It doesn’t affect him. He does what he loves, and loves what he does.
At least Chris has enough sense to realize that it is a good thing these cars exist. It doesn’t matter that they’re modifying a 911, an icon. The passion RWB inspires would make their cars beautiful whether they worked on Porsches or Toyotas.
“There is no such thing as an ugly car,” says Nakai-San. “Variety in taste is a good thing for the world.”