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Things were different in the 1980s. Culture was obsessed with power, primitive electronics, and drugs. For some, the drug of choice was speed. It was an era of unrivaled strides in competition, both on the racetrack and in the showrooms. It was an era when wild cars like the Renault 5 Turbo 2 were allowed to exist.
Every hot hatch today draws inspiration from the hot, boxy, overboosted hatchbacks of the golden era of the1980s. Here's a little inspiration to go have fun in a tiny car with too much power and make it squirm with the delight of its might.
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Things were different in the 1980s. Culture was obsessed with power, primitive electronics, and drugs. For some, the drug of choice was speed. It was an era of unrivaled strides in competition, both on the racetrack and in the showrooms. It was an era when wild cars like the Renault 5 Turbo 2 were allowed to exist.
Every hot hatch today draws inspiration from the hot, boxy, overboosted hatchbacks of the golden era of the1980s. Here's a little inspiration to go have fun in a tiny car with too much power and make it squirm with the delight of its might.
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Starring the Renault 5 Turbo 2
Things were different in the 1980s. Culture was obsessed with power, primitive electronics, and drugs. For some, the drug of choice was speed. It was an era of unrivaled strides in competition, both on the racetrack and in the showrooms. It was an era when wild cars like the Renault 5 Turbo 2 were allowed to exist.
Every hot hatch today draws inspiration from the hot, boxy, overboosted hatchbacks of the golden era of the1980s. Here's a little inspiration to go have fun in a tiny car with too much power and make it squirm with the delight of its might.